Education Minister meets Ambassador of Russia

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Education Minister meets Ambassador of Russia

Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan today received Ambassador of Russia to Mongolia I.K.Azizov.

Within the framework of bilateral cooperation in education sector, nine documents are in effect. During the meeting, the parties agreed to intensify implementation of these documents.

Six Russian teachers are teaching Russian language in rural areas through distance learning. The teachers have willingness to give classroom lessons coming to rural areas if they are allowed, after getting inoculated with two doses of vaccine and isolated for a week, the Ambassador conveyed.

An issue regarding the establishment of Mongolian-Russian secondary school is under study. Informing that there is a necessity for working group members to get acquainted with the location where the school will be built, in the near future. The Ambassador also highlighted the possibility to cooperate in establishing a university in the future.

The Education Minister asked the Russian side to share their experiences on developing start-up businesses and leading them to success, improving access and content of online lessons and to provide support on eliminating learning loss.