Education Minister meets U.S. Ambassador

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Education Minister meets U.S. Ambassador

Minister of Education and Science L.Enkh-Amgalan held a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Stets of America to Mongolia Michael Klecheski today, on March 4. They had discussions about expanding bilateral cooperation as well as joint programs on education, science, innovation and technology.

The United States annually offers 120 scholarships in Mongolia and 2,972 Mongolians are currently studying in the country. At the meeting, Minister L.Enkh-Amgalan made requests to involve more Mongolians in the Fulbright and Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) programs administered by the U.S. government and look into the feasibility of providing Mongolian students with an opportunity to study at U.S. universities and colleges on discounted rates equaling local tuition rates. The Minister also told the Ambassador that the government has sent proposals for 2 Plus 2 partnerships to George Mason University, University of Missouri–Kansas City, Florida State University, and Michigan State University and that a 2 Plus 2 partnership agreement is to be signed with George Mason University.

The Education Minister expressed interests in jointly training English teachers for 840 general education schools and receiving help from volunteer and retired teachers as part of the government’s goal to make English a second language. “In 2017, two 50-children kindergartens were built in Mongolia with funding support from U.S. Department of Defense Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid managed by U.S. Pacific Command,” said the Minister, asking to continue cooperation in this area.

Minister L.Enkh-Amgalan also put forward proposals to work with competent advisors on the management of the Center for Science, Technology and Innovation and expand cooperation in science and innovation.

Voicing support to the Minister’s proposals, U.S. Ambassador Michael Klecheski said it is possible for the countries to talk over the proposal to increase the number of Fulbright grantees, cooperate in science and innovation, and work together on the management of the center.  The Ambassador also undertook to build two more schools for increased accessibility.