Education Minister meets Ambassador of France

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Education Minister meets Ambassador of France

 Minister of Education and Science L.Tsedevsuren on October 12 met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to Mongolia Philippe Merlin.

The sides recalled at the meeting that the Mongolia-France archaeological expedition was formed in 1993 and commenced its research on the Xiongnu Empire - ‘The First Steppe Empire’ in 2003 under the auspices of the heads of state of the two countries. The expedition conducted excavations in 55 historic landmarks between 1996 and 2014 and the French side restored  over 200 finds and handed over to the Mongolian side.

Minister L.Tsedevsuren proposed to implement joint scientific projects to be conducted by young scientists of the two countries and share experiences in innovations and technologies. The sides agreed to further strengthen and elevate bilateral cooperation in science and education sectors.

Incidentally, since 1996, more than 150 Mongolian students and teachers have received education and training in France and around 50 individuals have attended short-term training courses in France.