Education Minister proposes to extend agreement for Vietnamese government scholarship

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Education Minister proposes to extend agreement for Vietnamese government scholarship

On August 11, Minister of Education and Science L.Tsedevsuren met Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Mongolia Mrs. Doan Thi Huong.

The two sides exchanged views on the effective implementation of joint projects for production and research on traditional medical products within the framework of scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries.

Minister L.Tsedevsuren noted that the 3rd meeting of Mongolian-Vietnamese Science and Technology subcommittee was successfully held in Hanoi city of Vietnam in 2016 and expressed readiness to organize the next meeting once the global COVID-19 pandemic ends. 

Furthermore, the minister thanked for the successful training 15 Mongolian students in Vietnam under the Vietnamese Government Scholarship program within the framework of the educational cooperation agreement between Mongolian and Vietnamese governments and brought forward a proposal to renew the agreement, which expires this year.

Minister L.Tsedevsuren also highlighted that Mongolia is working to take part in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), while noting her willingness to cooperate with Vietnam in the connection.

For her part, Ambassador Doan Thi Huong spoke about expanding educational and scientific cooperation, resolving the financial issue for joint research, supporting the activities of the 14th Ho Chi Minh secondary school, and implementing exchange program for teachers and students.