15-year-old Mongolian students to be involved in PISA-2022

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15-year-old Mongolian students to be involved in PISA-2022

Mongolia is preparing to get involved in the ‘PISA 2022’- Programme for International Student Assessment, in April this year. In this regard, Minister of Education and Science L. Enkh-Amgalan held an online meeting with the organizers.   
PISA measures 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges. PISA test has been organized since 2000.

By getting involved in the PISA assessment, it is possible to find out how 15-year-old Mongolian students have acquired key knowledge and skills as compared with their peers in other countries. The findings will give valuable insights for supporting learning and teaching activities, improving teaching methods and allocating resources equally, in addition to knowing exactly what to do to make up for lost opportunities due to COVID-19.

PISA test is taken every three years as it is deemed appropriate term to identify the changes in the education system. Paper and computer-based tests are conducted in two stages: experimental and basic.

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